The Pyramids of Egypt: Wonders of the Ancient World
Tomb: A burial place for a dead person, especially one that is large and impressive.
Pharaoh: The king or ruler of ancient Egypt.
Feats of engineering: Achievements that show great skill in designing and building things.
Afterlife: Life after death, according to some religions and beliefs.
Read the following text and pay attention to the above vocabulary:
The Pyramids of Egypt are some of the most famous and mysterious structures in the world. They were built over 4,000 years ago, during the time of the ancient Egyptians. The most well-known pyramids are located in Giza, near Cairo, and were built as tombs for the pharaohs, the kings of ancient Egypt. The largest and most famous of these pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
The Construction of the Pyramids
The construction of the pyramids was an incredible feat of engineering. The Egyptians used large stones, some weighing several tons, and transported them from quarries to the construction site. Workers, including skilled laborers and slaves, used ramps to lift the stones and build the massive structures. It is believed that the construction of the Great Pyramid took about 20 years.
The Great Pyramid was originally covered in smooth white limestone, which made it shine brightly in the sun. Over time, much of the limestone was removed, but the pyramid still stands as a symbol of ancient Egypt’s power and achievements.
The Purpose of the Pyramids
The pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs, to protect their bodies and treasures for the afterlife. Egyptians believed that when a pharaoh died, he would become a god and live forever in the afterlife. The tombs were filled with gold, jewels, food, and other items the pharaoh might need for the journey to the afterlife. The walls of the tombs were often decorated with paintings and carvings, telling the story of the pharaoh’s life.
Today, the pyramids continue to be a symbol of ancient Egypt’s greatness. Millions of people visit them every year to learn about the ancient culture and marvel at the incredible engineering behind these structures.
Think About This:
What do you think the pyramids tell us about ancient Egyptian society?
How do you think ancient Egyptians were able to build such large and impressive structures without modern technology?
Comprehension Questions
1. Why were the pyramids built?
a) As homes for the pharaohs
b) As tombs for the pharaohs
c) As places of worship
2. Where are the most famous pyramids located?
a) In Cairo, Egypt
b) In Rome, Italy
c) In Mexico
3. What material was used to build the Great Pyramid?
a) Wood and mud
b) Brick and stone
c) Limestone
4. How long did it take to build the Great Pyramid?
a) 10 years
b) 20 years
c) 30 years
5. What was placed in the tombs of the pharaohs?
(Write one thing from the text.
Matching Phrases
Match the two parts to form complete sentences about the text:
a) The pyramids were built…
b) Workers used ramps…
c) The walls of the tombs…
d) Today, the pyramids…
… to lift the heavy stones.
… as tombs for the pharaohs.
… are a symbol of Egypt’s greatness.
… were decorated with paintings and carvings.
Pyramid Trivia
Test your general knowledge!
How many pyramids are in Egypt?
Which river flows near the pyramids?
Name another ancient wonder of the world.
Explore and Compare
Research another ancient structure (e.g., Stonehenge, the Colosseum). Compare it to the pyramids:
What is similar about their purpose?
What makes them different?

Comprehension Questions Answers
1. Why were the pyramids built?
b) As tombs for the pharaohs
2. Where are the most famous pyramids located?
a) In Cairo, Egypt
3. What material was used to build the Great Pyramid?
c) Limestone
4. How long did it take to build the Great Pyramid?
b) 20 years
5. What was placed in the tombs of the pharaohs?
Items for the afterlife, such as gold, jewels, food, and other treasures.
Matching Phrases
a) The pyramids were built… → 2. as tombs for the pharaohs.
b) Workers used ramps… → 1. to lift the heavy stones.
c) The walls of the tombs… → 4. were decorated with paintings and carvings.
d) Today, the pyramids… → 3. are a symbol of Egypt’s greatness.
Pyramid Trivia
How many pyramids are in Egypt? Over 100 pyramids have been discovered.
Which river flows near the pyramids? The Nile River.
Name another ancient wonder of the world. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, etc.
Explore and Compare
Answers will vary based on the structure chosen for comparison. Here is an example:
Similarities: Both the pyramids and Stonehenge are ancient constructions that required advanced engineering for their time.
Differences: The pyramids were built as tombs, while Stonehenge may have been used for religious or astronomical purposes.
